Create your own ArmA Squad file within 5 Minutes!
This website is non official from Bohemia Interactive - This is a private website i programmed to help you creating Squad Files for Arma based games.
- Officially recommended from Bohemia Interactive -
- 100% free
- RESTFul API Interface
- Creating a full Clan Squad File only take about 5 minutes!
- Add/Manage unlimited Squads
- We host your squad files - you get a link for each of your Squads
- Automatic generation of squad.xml, squad.dtd and squad.paa files
- Uploaded Images are converted for the Arma Gameserver (you can Upload PNG,GIF,JPG Images)
- Work with following Bohemia Interactive Games: Arma, Arma 2, Arma 2 Combined Operations and Arma 3 and many others
We are currently hosting 87201 ArmA squad files with total 189142 Squad Members from 84263 registered users. So much so wow.
Last registered user: Hewa - Hey man! Welcome on board!
Last registered user: Hewa - Hey man! Welcome on board!