Create your own ArmA Squad file within 5 Minutes!

This website is non official from Bohemia Interactive - This is a private website i programmed to help you creating Squad Files for Arma based games.

  • Officially recommended from Bohemia Interactive -
  • 100% free
  • RESTFul API Interface
  • Creating a full Clan Squad File only take about 5 minutes!
  • Add/Manage unlimited Squads
  • We host your squad files - you get a link for each of your Squads
  • Automatic generation of squad.xml, squad.dtd and squad.paa files
  • Uploaded Images are converted for the Arma Gameserver (you can Upload PNG,GIF,JPG Images)
  • Work with following Bohemia Interactive Games: Arma, Arma 2, Arma 2 Combined Operations and Arma 3 and many others

Create my first Squad!


We are currently hosting 87201 ArmA squad files with total 189142 Squad Members from 84263 registered users. So much so wow.

Last registered user: Hewa - Hey man! Welcome on board!